2024 Annual Meeting Debrief

Greetings Ranchers.  This is too long, so grab a cup of coffee.  Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting.  We had so little time to tend to business but the afterparty was a great success.  We thank Duane for the planning and preparation and the board for their support as well.  The potluck food that POA Members shared was phenomenal.  I think we all agree that Corey from Colorado Parks and Wildlife earned his deviled eggs and jalapeño poppers!  Thanks again to Duane for setting up this great presentation.  Two board members were voted in at the meeting and we welcome Seth and Cheryl to the team.  Board member positions were decided by the board members as follows:

Cheryl Davis, TBD

Duane Freeman, Vice President, Social & Events

Joseph Lodato, President, IT/Tech/Website

Seth Oberg, Roads Captain

Wes Wilson, TBD

As it shakes out, we now have two board-appointed Officer Positions opening. We thank Tracey and Randy for their outstanding service to our community; their positions end on December 31st.  Randy stepped in and bailed us out an abrupt termination of a previous officer and Tracey updated and simplified a significant number of procedures most of it behind the scenes.   If you, or someone you know, are interested in stepping up to serve your community as Secretary or Treasurer, please contact a board member.   Appointment periods for these crucial positions are for the 2025 calendar year and they come with fair compensation and training. 

As a closing note, please don’t wait for a meeting to voice your questions or concerns regarding the ranch.  We were constrained on time due to the venue and will try to do better next year so that we can cover adequately the ranch business and give everyone the opportunity to contribute.   If you believe a problem exists, all board members and officers are available throughout the year.  If a broken webpage link exists, it can be corrected with the stroke of a key.  Similarly, signal.org has proven a great tool and resulting success but it’s not productive when a perceived issue is “Blasted” out to everyone without the common courtesy of engaging with the board beforehand. We all should have common and important interests in our community, and as such, we all may benefit from your concerns as soon as they’re identified.   Have a great weekend.


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